台灣廣播電台 Broadcasting Corporation of Taiwan
中華民國萬歲! Long live the Taiwan, ROC!

(TVBS) 游皓婷

高鐵一名站務員遭網友投訴,拒絕用閩南語(Taiwanese,或稱「台語」、「台灣話」、「河洛話」,白話字:Bân-lâm-gú,國際音標:[ban˨˩lam˧˥gu˥˧],台語通用拼音:Bhān-lām-ghì)幫忙廣播,找他年過80歲、只聽得懂閩南語的阿公,急的他差點昏倒!台灣高速鐵路(Taiwan High Speed Rail,簡稱「台灣高鐵」THSR)事後解釋,這名員工自認閩南語「不輪轉」,才會服務失當。反觀百年老店臺灣鐵路管理局(Taiwan Railway Administration,簡稱「台鐵」、TRA),有達人撐腰,資深播音員能用閩南語,流暢報出200多站的站名。









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TSNA 記者:林柏翔

雖然Carmelo Anthony與Chauncey Billups都因傷缺陣,但這對金塊來說似乎問題不大,在小將Ty Lawson繳出本季代表作的帶領之下,金塊在客場以105比95砸傷爵士



Arron Afflalo在賽後表示:「Chauncey與Melo都沒有上場,我們卻仍然能贏球,對球隊其他球員來說有重要的意義。」總教練George Karl則是說到:「最根本的比賽計畫就是努力拼戰與解讀場上狀況。球隊的能量與比賽的張力都很棒,我們的防守也很不錯,所以能搶下重要的勝利。」


金塊在禁區拿到這麼多分,Nene的22分是主要分數來源,另外還得到5籃板3助攻6抄截,Kenyon Martin有12分12籃板,替補大將J.R. Smith則支援18分4助攻。

爵士Carlos Boozer繳出18分10助攻的雙十表現,Mehmet Okur與Deron Williams分別有16分9籃板3助攻與16分5籃板6助攻。

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中華航空 990102三太子發威 台灣「華航」再奪玫瑰花車國際大獎 

(中央社記者江今葉洛杉磯1日專電)儘管面對上海世界博覽會與陝西省兵馬俑,以及墨西哥(西班牙語:México,國家代碼MEX獨立建國200週年花車的強勢挑戰,「三太子哪吒」不畏強敵,還是為台灣「中華航空」(ROChina Airlines,簡稱台灣「華航」、RCAL)再次奪下加州玫瑰花車遊行國際大獎。 



緊接著是獲得今年「主題獎」(Theme),由「捐助生命」(Donate Life)贊助的「生命之星」(Starof Life),花車上貼滿器官捐助者的照片,不少接受器官捐贈的民眾也到場為他們的奉獻致意。

至於評審團大獎(Sweepstakes)則是由「雨鳥」(Rain Bird)充滿熱帶雨林氣氛的「山大王」(Mountaintop Majesty)獲得。


陝西省旅遊局與鳳凰衛視共同合作的「與兵馬俑共舞」,榮獲今年的「指導獎」(Directors');另一組參賽的上海世界博覽會,儘管有巨星成龍(英文名Jackie Chan,1954年4月7日-)登車同賀,卻意外成為海峽兩岸三車中,唯一未獲得評審青睞的作品。


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中華民國國旗 奧運會中華民國台灣代表團隊徽(客場) 奧運會中華民國台灣代表團隊徽(主場)











改革奮鬥 臺灣再起









各位先進,今年全球經濟將從谷底翻轉,國際競爭將更為激烈,臺灣需要提高警覺,積極布局,以為因應。今年開始,東南亞國家協會(Association of Southeast Asian Nations,簡稱ASEAN)與中國大陸自由貿易區正式啟動,ASEAN十國相關產品銷往中國大陸,將是零關稅;臺灣同類產品出口到中國大陸,仍須負擔高額關稅,自然吃虧。面對「ASEAN加一」的衝擊,我們不能坐視臺灣產業即將面臨的困境,這是為何政府推動與中國大陸協商《經濟合作架構協議》(Economic Cooperation Framework Agreement, ECFA)的原因。我們希望在這項架構協議中,納入降低關稅的「早期收穫」條款,以維繫臺灣產品外銷的競爭力,避免外銷市場的邊緣化,並引進新的外來投資,進而激勵臺灣經濟成長,創造更多就業。當然,對於可能受到不利影響的弱勢產業與勞工,政府也會提出配套措施,並在10年內投入950億元,進行必要的輔導與支持。同時,政府一定會堅守原則,絕對不會增加開放中國大陸農產品進口,也不會開放中國大陸勞工來臺工作。




節能減碳是利人利己的運動,也是進步的生活方式,人人都應該身體力行。政府推動電費折扣獎勵措施已經頗有成效,從前年7月實施以來到去年12月底,總共節省大約63億度電,相當於臺南縣市187萬人兩年的住宅用電量;所減少的二氧化碳排放達404萬公噸,相當於10,919座面積26公頃的大安森林公園一整年的二氧化碳吸附量。2008年臺灣排碳量比2007年減少4.4%,降回到2005年的水準;2008年每仟元國內生產毛額(Gross Domestic Product,簡稱GDP)產值使用的能源量,比2007年減少了3.6%,顯示能源使用效率向上提升,扭轉了2008年新政府上任前持續下滑的趨勢。這些成績只是往目標邁進的一小步,但透露的訊息卻激勵我們,只要肯努力,我們每一個人都可以對自己的環境與人類的未來作出貢獻。今後政府將透過制度誘因,包括規劃碳權交易,提供租稅獎勵等措施,協助企業更新設備,減少二氧化碳排放。政府也將全力扶植綠能產業,讓臺灣成為能源技術與生產的大國,創造更多就業機會,提升對外競爭力。



















Office of the President, TAIWAN, Republic of China
中華民國國旗 奧運會中華民國台灣代表團隊徽(客場) 奧運會中華民國台灣代表團隊徽(主場)  

New Year's Day Message

Through Reform and Hard Work, Taiwan Will Rise Again

Ma Ying-jeou
TAIWAN, Republic of China 

January 1, 2010

Vice President Siew, Presidents of the Five Yuans, Ministers, Distinguished Guests, Fellow Countrymen:

Happy New Year!

Today we begin the 99th year of TAIWAN of the Republic of China. Over the past year, we have experienced the impacts of a financial tsunami—the economy saw a deep recession and the unemployment rate climbed steeply. We also suffered the effects of the August 8 Flood in which many precious lives and a great deal of property were lost. Nevertheless, through the cooperation and hard work of the central and local governments and the people, we have overcome this myriad of difficulties. At present, Taiwan's economy is on its way to recovery, and reconstruction of disaster areas is also well under way. There certainly have been shortcomings in the government's work this past year, resulting in complaints. To improve, we have already engaged in a thorough review process and will work hard in the new year.

I. Taking advantage of economic recovery and promoting major investments

A little over a month ago, we were pleased to see that the economic monitoring indicator turned green, and last week it further turned to yellow/red. Export orders have gradually returned to their normal levels; the number of employees on involuntary unpaid leave in Hsinchu Science Park, Central Taiwan Science Park and Southern Taiwan Science Park declined from a peak of over 132,000 people last January to less than 1,000 at the end of 2009; the unemployment rate has fallen for two consecutive months; and the economic growth rate this year is expected to reach 4.39 percent.

This year will be crucial for the recovery of Taiwan's economy. To maintain steady economic growth, domestically we must be proactive. We have to improve the economic system, encourage more far-reaching industrial innovation, diversify the industrial structure, spur an upgrading of traditional industries, and increase the added value of the service industry. Internationally, we must grasp hold of current trends in the global economy, participate in the regional economic integration of East Asia, and explore and develop new markets.

However, in the course of promoting economic growth, we also need to monitor the distribution of wealth, increase employment opportunities, and help the disadvantaged in society. I understand that currently in some counties and cities, small and medium-sized businesses that rely on domestic sales, as well as certain shops and restaurants, have yet to see a recovery and are still struggling. Therefore, although the number of unemployed has fallen, it still is higher than in previous years. To relieve the burden of unemployment, the government has decided to continue to implement various measures to boost employment this year. It is estimated that over 100,000 jobs can be created, and college graduates who have just entered the job market will also benefit.

This year, the government plans to invest around NT$328.5 billion in major public works projects. Such projects include the construction of the widening of the Wugu to Yangmei section of the Sun Yat-sen Freeway, the Taiwan Taoyuan International Airport Access MRT System, the Taichung Metropolitan Area Railway Elevation Project, the construction of the Kaohsiung underground railway, and the electrification and double-tracking project for Taiwan Railways' Hualien-Taitung Line. The fourth expansion phase at Central Taiwan Science Park—the Erlin Science Park of Changhua—began last week, and will create over 12,000 job opportunities in the next five years. Private-sector investment is estimated to reach NT$1,718.8 billion this year. If the Industrial Innovation Act is passed and promulgated as planned, I believe that this will attract more private investment, create more jobs and deliver a powerful boost to Taiwan's economic growth.

We are aware that in the past, investment was insufficient owing to cross-strait tensions, unclear policies and government inefficiency. But circumstances have changed of late. The cross-strait situation has stabilized, and economic cooperation between the two sides has expanded. Moreover, the government is determined to speed the pace of efforts to ease existing restrictions and create a positive investment environment, thereby removing barriers present in regulations, procedures, taxation, transportation and the living environment. We will also bring Taiwan's strengths into full play by promoting six emerging industries. The tourism industry, for example, is expected to kick-start the job market, and the renewable energy industry will help reduce carbon emissions and energy use.

My administration has been promoting a government-restructuring bill to improve administrative efficiency and has approved the formation of more special municipalities to help local governments stay competitive. These systemic changes at different levels of government were pursued not for the sake of winning the next election, but for the welfare of the next generation. We firmly believe that if we set up an open, business-friendly environment, Taiwan will be able to exert the full potential of its key position in the East Asian economy. Here, I would like to advertise to the world that now is the time to invest in Taiwan!

II. Adjusting our global deployment strategy in response to ASEAN Plus One

My fellow citizens, as the world economy rebounds from rock bottom this year, international competition will grow more intense. Taiwan needs to be alert to such changes and adjust its global deployment strategy accordingly. Starting this year, as the free trade zone involving the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) and the PR China has come into effect, affected goods and services from the ten ASEAN member states can enter the PR China tariff-free. However, Taiwan's competing exports to the mainland are still subject to high import taxes, thus placing us at a disadvantage. We cannot simply sit by and watch this happen.

This is why the government is pushing to sign an "Economic Cooperation Framework Agreement" (ECFA) with the PR China. We hope to see an "early harvest" list of items eligible for lower tariffs included in the ECFA to help us maintain our export competitiveness, avoid being marginalized in our export markets, attract new foreign investment, stimulate Taiwan's economic growth and boost employment. And, concerning the industries and workers most likely to be harmed by the signing of the ECFA, we will draw up relief measures to invest NT$95 billion (US$2.85 billion) over the next 10 years into providing needed guidance and assistance. At the same time, we must stand firm in not allowing the import of more agricultural items from the PR China, and in forbidding Chinese laborers to work in Taiwan.

The trend toward economic integration in Asia is clearly evident, and proceeding at a rapid pace. Regional trade accounts for over 50 percent of Asian nations' total trade, and now outweighs trade with markets outside the region. There were only three Free Trade Agreements (FTAs) between nations in the region in 2000, a figure which grew about 19-fold to 58 in 2009. Taiwan and North Korea are the only nations that have not participated in the integration process. Facing such a situation, Taiwan must not be marginalized, but make the most of opportunities presented by regional cooperation to expand our market presence. With the ECFA as our starting point, we will fight for a fair international environment to ensure that our enterprises are able to compete on equitable terms. In addition, we will actively pursue FTAs with our other major trading partners. Only through such linkages can we accelerate our involvement in East Asian regional economic integration and remain competitive.

III. Giving due attention to climate change, taking action to reduce carbon emissions and energy use

Global climate change is another challenge that Taiwan must face. The issue of reducing carbon dioxide emissions was given unprecedented attention at the recent climate change conference in Copenhagen. As a member of the global village, we welcome this development. We have set the reduction of CO2 emissions as a key national development goal. When running for president two years ago, I advocated that Taiwan's CO2 emissions be kept at the level of 2008 between 2016 and 2020, that they be reduced to the level of 2000 by 2025, and that they be cut to half the level of 2000 in 2050. This has now become government policy.

Saving energy and cutting CO2 emissions are part of a movement that stands to benefit everyone; they are elements of a better lifestyle. We should all incorporate them into our daily lives. We have already seen the results of the measure the government implemented to give discounts to those who reduce their electricity use. From the program's inception in July 2008 to the end of December 2009, we saved a total of roughly 6.3 terawatt-hours of electricity, equivalent to two years' worth of household electricity consumption by the 1.87 million residents of Tainan City and Tainan County. As a result, 4.04 million fewer metric tons of CO2 were released into the atmosphere, an amount equal to what would be absorbed in the course of a full year by 10,919 of Taipei City's 26-hectare Da-an Forest Park. In 2008, Taiwan's CO2 emissions fell by 4.4 percent over the previous year, dropping to the level of 2005. In that same year, energy use per NT$1,000 of GDP fell by 3.6 percent year-on-year, meaning that energy-use efficiency has been raised, reversing a persistent trend that had existed prior to my taking office in 2008.

Although these achievements are but a small step toward our goal, the message they send is encouraging: As long as we work hard, we can all make a contribution to the environment and to the future of all humanity. The government will set up incentive programs, including plans for carbon trading and tax measures, and will help enterprises retool their facilities so as to reduce CO2 emissions. Further, the government will throw its weight behind "green" industries to turn Taiwan into a major producer of energy technologies while creating more job opportunities and enhancing our global competitiveness.

Global climate change has already had a detrimental effect on Taiwan. In August 2009, southern Taiwan was devastated by the August 8 Flood. This year, the south is facing a severe drought. We must thoroughly review our development and use of water resources. The government has already enacted contingency measures to alleviate the drought. However, conserving water cannot merely be a slogan, it must become a comprehensive, nationwide movement that involves all the people so that we can get through this period of water shortage.

IV. Working on a climate of peace and strengthening cross-strait contact

My fellow citizens, the people of the two sides of the Taiwan Strait are divided between Taiwanese ethnicity and Chinese ethnicity. We share a common heritage, language, history and culture. But the two sides have been separately governed for 60 years now. In that time, each side has operated under different political, economic and social systems. As our ways of life and experiences are vastly different, we require a certain period of time in which to connect and gain a better understanding of each other. At present, making political choices hastily, whether they be for immediate unification or immediate independence, would cause serious confrontation and tumult. No one would be the better-off, and neighboring nations would all be affected.

And so, for cross-strait relations, I have always called for adherence to the principle of "no unification, no independence and no use of force" under the framework of the Free Area of the ROC Constitution, and have sought to promote cross-strait interaction and cooperation within the parameters of the 1992 Consensus. This is not passively maintaining the status quo, but rather an active attempt to gain enough time in which to allow for the peaceful development of the cross-strait relationship. This will help the people of Taiwan and the PR China better understand one another and eliminate prejudices through greater communication and cooperation in the areas of trade and culture. With Taiwanese culture and Chinese culture as the foundation, we can seek pragmatic and feasible solutions to cross-strait disputes.

My fellow citizens, since I took office in 2008, the government has resumed cross-strait talks, insisting all the while on parity and dignity. TAIWAN of the ROC is a sovereign, independent nation, and Taiwan long ago became a democracy in which sovereignty lies in the hands of the people. We should have full confidence that Taiwan's future is, as a matter of course, in the hands of its 23 million people. Precisely because TAIWAN of the Republic of China is a democratic country, cross-strait policy must be subject to both supervision by the Legislature and to public opinion. As to cross-strait agreements that concern the people's welfare, the government must be responsive to public opinion and increase communication with opposition parties and the people to seek out consensus and gain support.

During the fourth round of talks held 10 days ago between Chiang Pin-kung, head of Taiwan's Straits Exchange Foundation, and Chen Yunlin, head of the PR China's Association for Relations Across the Taiwan Strait, the two sides signed three agreements. Along with the nine agreements signed previously, altogether 12 agreements have been signed over the past 19 months. These agreements have yielded considerable results, for they cover regular direct cross-strait flights; direct postal services; allowing Chinese tourists to visit Taiwan; financial cooperation; food safety; cooperation on fishing crew affairs; product testing and certification; inspection and quarantine of agricultural products; and joint crime-fighting and judicial cooperation. Each agreement enhances and safeguards the rights and interests of Taiwan's people and has nothing to do with sovereignty.

During each of the four rounds of talks, the government has always held to the principle of "putting Taiwan first for the benefit of the people." The government will not do anything that is unfavorable to the people or will impair their ability to decide their own affairs. Additionally, the government has made the issues transparent and the content of the agreements public, and the process has been supervised by the Legislature. Numerous public opinion polls have shown that these agreements have the support of over half of the people. Over the past 19 months, steady progress has been made in cross-strait relations.

The mending of the cross-strait relationship has won the affirmation of the international community, thus restoring other nations' confidence in us and opening the door to closer and friendlier ties. On the international scene, Taiwan now symbolizes not only freedom, democracy and prosperity, but also peace. In the past, many countries stayed away from Taiwan, greatly apprehensive of getting caught up in cross-strait quarrels. Now that the cross-strait relationship has entered into a period of rapprochement, these countries have begun to discuss with us visa-free arrangements and agreements on the avoidance of double taxation. Today, more nations are supportive of Taiwan's participation in international organizations and related activities.

All of this has proceeded from cross-strait detente. However, this government will not indulge in wishful thinking by having the development of cross-strait ties determine our external relations. We will adopt a principle of seeking a proper balance between the two, so that cross-strait ties and foreign relations are mutually complementary and progress together, with neither subordinated to the other. Indeed, if Taiwan can get more international space, it will make us more willing and give us the courage to continue strengthening the cross-strait relationship, thereby creating a virtuous circle between the two sides.

V. Pursuing progress and values and promoting reform among the entire populace

While Taiwan may not be large in size compared with other advanced nations, it has nevertheless created twin economic and political miracles over the past 60 years. Taiwan's democracy and way of life are the sources of its creativity and vitality, and this is something of which the Chinese-speaking world can be proud. Just over a month ago, our young inventors made quite a sensation at the iENA Inventors' Trade Show in Nuremberg, Germany, securing a group championship with 26 gold, 26 silver and 15 bronze medals, and setting the finest record of recent years. Our fashion designers Jason Wu and Johan Ku have also made a splash on the international stage.

The spread of the A(H1N1) influenza around the globe has created a serious shortage of vaccines, but Taiwan has been able to produce 10 million doses of its own vaccine. At present, 5.2 million people in Taiwan—or nearly 22 percent of the population—have already been vaccinated. This puts Taiwan in the front ranks globally and has ameliorated public anxiety while contributing greatly to preventing an epidemic. It has also reduced the number of cases and cut the number of classes cancelled due to outbreaks of the virus from four figures to two. In the meantime, our government has purchased 500,000 doses of the Taiwan-manufactured vaccine, and will donate them to the World Health Organization once the peak influenza period has passed and the epidemic has been brought under control. In this way, we hope both to help people in other countries and to make the international community more aware of the positive value that Taiwan brings to the world.

The PR China has arisen with lightning speed in recent years and is growing in influence day by day. However, it still lags behind Taiwan in such areas as democratic government, human rights guarantees, legal standards, innovative design and quality of life. We in Taiwan, therefore, should believe in ourselves and be fully confident about our values and institutions. In the process of working on a friendly relationship with the PR China, we should be glad to share our values and experiences. Freedom and democracy are the spiritual hallmarks of the people of Taiwan, and we have every reason to be proud of that fact.

Taiwan must continue to move forward. Reform cannot be centered on mere comparisons with our past; it must be future-oriented and forward-looking. Change for the better not only proves that we have progressed beyond the past; it also demonstrates that we can develop a new vision to fulfill the hopes and expectations of the people, as we march together into the future.

Divisions over independence versus unification, ethnic clashes and partisan wrangling are perennial issues that have shaped debate in Taiwan for decades. Despite changes in the environment and public fatigue with such controversy, the old divisions persist as before. However, if our discourse remains stuck in the past, reform and progress will surely be constrained.

Recently, a group of journalists published the book "Small Revolutions," which recounts 24 stories from all over Taiwan. Each story stands as evidence that there is a group of people in Taiwan who believe in themselves. Indeed, they show a stubborn, never-say-die persistence that is most inspiring. In a variety of areas, they have broken through the bonds of traditional thinking and realized their dreams in hopes of transforming society for the better.

The book introduces the "PunCar" group, which drives around rural areas to help reduce the urban-rural digital divide. The reader also learns about fair-trade-coffee importers Yu Wan-ru and Hsu Wen-yen, who have stood up against exploitation in hopes of helping poor, marginalized farmers in developing nations. The story of Chen Meng-jin, who runs a farm that provides a home for mentally handicapped children, is also included, as is that of a group of young people who delivered meals to elderly people following the September 21, 1999 earthquake. This same group also set up community kitchens in Peace Township of Taichung County, Lugu Township of Nantou and Longan Trees of Meishan Township of Chiayi County. Also written of is Ou Ji-fu, who leads a simple life in coastal Hualien.

The hard work of these people did not initially attract much attention, recognition or support—failure was even possible—but each of these stories radiates with idealism, passion, persistence, care for one's local community, courage to change and courage to innovate. These are the values Taiwan needs most at present.

I believe that there are not just 24 "revolutions" happening in Taiwan, but thousands upon thousands. The people involved in them are sacrificing quietly but are courageously realizing their ambitions, helping Taiwan to progress in many areas. The government's responsibility is to create an open environment, encourage attempts and changes that foster progress, give everyone the chance to realize his or her dream and let these dreams become the force that shapes the new face of Taiwan.

Reform requires the ruling and opposition parties to work together. We hope that they can engage in dialogue on key policies soon so as to increase mutual trust and create consensus. Society is inevitably moving forward; political parties must not remain stuck in the past, living in mutual suspicion and fighting one another. There are so many issues on which the parties can work together to promote Taiwan's progress and prosperity. This is our hope in this new year, and even more so, it is the expectation of the people.

VI. Working together to bring back prosperity

My fellow citizens, 2010 will be a key year for rebuilding Taiwan's economy. This year, we will also implement a variety of reforms. I believe that as long as we are passionate, work together and spare no effort, we can certainly overcome any number of difficulties, leave this challenging period behind and ring in a time of unparalleled competitiveness.

Let us be bold and forceful as we work to reach our goals. In confidence, let us welcome the 100th anniversary of the founding of TAIWAN of the Republic of China!

Happy New Year, everyone! Thank you all very much.

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民國99年元旦升旗 馬總統大聲唱國歌 

(中央社記者李佳霏台北 1日電)馬英九總統(民國39年(1950年)7月13日-)今晨繫上國旗圖樣的圍巾,參加總統府元旦升旗典禮。馬總統面帶笑容地與揮舞著國旗的群眾大聲唱國歌、國旗歌,迎接中華民國99年的第一天。 

台灣「中國青年創業協會總會」(ROC Taiwan Youth Career Development Association Headquarters)等工商團體舉辦的民國99年元旦總統府升旗典禮,清晨在總統府前廣場舉行。馬總統、副總統蕭萬長(昭和14年(1939年)1月3日-)、行政院長吳敦義(民國37年(1948年)1月30日-)、行政院副院長朱立倫(民國50年(1961年)6月7日-)、立法院長王金平(昭和16年(1941年)3月17日-)、司法院長賴英照(民國35年(1946年)8月24日-)、考試院長關中(昭和15年(1940年)6月9日-)、監察院長王建煊(昭和13年(1938年)8月7日-)、國防部長高華柱(民國35年(1946年)10月2日-)及新黨主席郁慕明等部會政黨首長出席,臺北市長郝龍斌(民國41年(1952年)8月22日-)、臺北縣長周錫瑋(民國47年(1958年)3月11日-)也冒著寒風趕來參加,並都繫上國旗圖樣的圍巾,相當醒目。

馬總統在清晨 6時30分從總統府內走到典禮會場,民眾高喊「總統好」、「總統加油」,馬總統揮手致意。在景美女中合唱團領唱下,馬總統大聲唱著國歌、國旗歌,看著國旗在總統府塔樓上冉冉升起。







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(央廣) 曾國華

990101大家來元旦升旗拿好康 新款國旗圍巾大放送 990101元旦國旗圍巾夯 工廠日夜趕 


『(原音)三民主義,吾黨所宗;以建民國,以進大同。咨爾多士,為民前鋒;夙夜匪懈,主義是從。矢勤矢勇,必信必忠;一心一德,貫徹始終。』隨著現場的國歌聲,中華民國99年總統府前的第一場升旗典禮正式登場,馬英九總統親自率領了副總統蕭萬長(昭和14年(1939年)1月3日-)、行政院長吳敦義(民國37年(1948年)1月30日-)、立法院長王金平(昭和16年(1941年)3月17日-)、司法院長賴英照(民國35年(1946年)8月24日-)、考試院長關中(昭和15年(1940年)6月9日-)及監察院長王建煊(昭和13年(1938年)8月7日-)等文武百官出席,至於政黨方面只有新黨(New Party, NP)主席郁慕明(昭和15年(1940年)7月19日—)共襄盛舉,而國民黨(Nationalist Party of the ROC;簡稱ROCNP)榮譽主席連戰(昭和11年(1936年)8月27日-)、吳伯雄(昭和14年(1939年)6月19日-),親民黨(People First Party, PFP)主席宋楚瑜(昭和17年(1942年)3月16日-),以及綠營的政黨領袖則是通通缺席。

儘管頂著攝氏12度的低溫,許多民眾仍然熱情不減,一早就趕到現場,看見馬總統,也都高喊著「總統好」、「總統加油」,而馬總統也親切回應。一位住在新竹市(Hsinchu, HSZ)的高中小女生,甚至是清晨3點就和家人開車北上,為的就是要能夠把握參加這場「愛國盛宴」的機會。她說:『(原音)3點多吧,3、4點就出門了,就是希望來這邊看看呀,下次不知道還有沒有機會站在這邊觀禮。』


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ROC Taiwan Baseball Association


[ 實習記者 / 文:陳語傑;圖:戴見安 ] 2009年的最後一天,文化大學(美孚巨人)要與台灣啤酒(國立體大)爭奪今年度業餘盟主,文化(美孚)今晚延續上一場的火力,全場掃出18支安打,前3局就灌下8分奠定勝基,終場以85擊退台灣啤酒(國立體大),順利稱霸2009年業餘棒壇,也報了梅花旗敗給台啤(國體)的一箭之仇。文化大學(美孚巨人)在本屆盟主盃出賽3場,總共擊出47支安打,包括2支全壘打,打擊火力發揮是奪冠的重要關鍵,首棒林祖傑今晚3安打、2打點,並在二局揮出全壘打,拿下本屆賽事的美津濃MVP大賞。    





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The Official Site of the ROC Taiwan Professional Baseball League (CPBL)


【12/30台北】2010年台灣職年度選秀會下午於行政院體育委員會落幕,四球隊皆選滿10輪,兄弟象除了選秀狀元林恩宇,藉著選秀會選入最多的19名選手。青棒好手張耿豪則被興農牛選走,La new熊統一7-ELEVEn首輪都相中替代役投手,分別為李居冠蔡璟豪





La new熊首輪就選入替代役投手李居冠,11輪選秀中共選入6名投手、1名捕手、內外野手各2名。拿下年度總冠軍的統一7-ELEVEn與去年類似,僅選入替代役10名選手,捕手4名、內野手4名、外野手2名,其中旅外好手增菘瑋(克里夫蘭印地安人隊新人聯盟)羅國輝(西雅圖水手隊高階1A)之弟,增鈺傑、羅國華都將披上



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開店做生意,應該是客人越多越歡迎,但苗栗一家火鍋店卻挑客人,老闆在店門口,寫著禁止韓國人進入,原來是老闆不滿香港東亞運跆拳道(Taekwondo, 韓國語:태권도比賽時,韓國(Korea, IOC編碼: KOR)選手故意犯規,害中華民國台灣(Taiwan, Republic of China, 國家代碼TWN)選手失去奪金機會,才會氣到拒絕招待韓國人,老闆說,為了愛國少賺一點也沒關係。


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TSNA 記者:張德祥

Chauncey Billups的鼠蹊部傷勢持續困擾著他、此役缺席,丹佛金塊隊(Denver Nuggets, DEN)也罕見地在百事中心向對手低頭,今天(28日)以96比104不敵達拉斯小牛隊(Dallas Mavericks, DAL,嚥下本季主場第二敗。

上季季後賽淘汰小牛的強悍金塊,此役完全不復見,開賽17比7是主場唯一高潮,第四節更得苦苦追趕11分的劣勢,儘管於槍響前2分半縮小至94比98,不過Drew Gooden隨後一罰加一投,Dirk Nowitzki又在三分線外放冷箭,將比賽定格在8分差。

前役因背痛缺陣的Gooden,重返球場即以8投8中拿下勇冠兩軍的19分、搶得10籃板,除Jason Kidd(7分)外,餘7位上場球員均有雙位數分數進帳,「不愛得分」的Kidd另有9助攻、5籃板、2火鍋、1抄截的貢獻,欲問鼎三分球大賽的他也投進一顆「唱聲」。隊友夠力、No佬樂得輕鬆,13分、11籃板輕鬆寫意。

成功當了歹客,小牛也中止例行賽對戰金塊的5連敗,順道報了上季季後賽提早返家的一箭之仇。不過老闆Mark Cuban並未到場享受喜悅,選擇和兒子共度耶誕佳節。

儘管12籃板創下本季最佳,Carmelo Anthony全場19投卻僅中5,16分遠低於球季水準(30.4分),甜瓜更在最後2分47秒6犯離場、收下本季首張「畢業證書」。金塊以Kenyon Martin 18分最佳,野獸狀元另抓11籃板,頂替Billups的菜鳥Ty Lawson拿下16分,J.R. Smith雖有11分,不過命中率(12投中3)頗糟。

Billups於17日(台灣時間)與休士頓火箭(Houston Rockets, HOU)的比賽中傷了左鼠蹊部,連續坐了3場板凳,對戰波特蘭拓荒者(Portland Trail Blazers, POR)的耶誕大戲也只打了上半場。這部進攻發動機至少還要休養1場比賽,先發控衛預計仍由Lawson擔綱。

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