
1959年9月7日,為發展中華民國的航空事業,以及建立「空防根植於民航」之理念,由時任中華民國空軍副總司令徐煥昇與交通部的大力主導下,由中華民國政府與中國國民黨出資,於1959年12月16日成立中國國際航空(Air China,簡稱「中航」、CCA)...不!中華航空(China Airlines,簡稱「華航」、CAL)。
1980年2月27日:華航CI811班機,機型波音707,原訂由桃園國際機場飛往馬尼拉Ninoy Aquino國際機場,因降落時角度過大、速度過快,起落架折斷並起火,2人死亡,133人生還。
1985年2月19日,華航CI006班機,機型波音747SP,由桃園國際機場飛往洛杉磯途中,途中飛機遭遇亂流造成引擎失靈,之後由於一連串小故障以及機長的誤判,飛機在雲層中翻滾,兩分鐘內下降了9000公尺,幾乎墜海。由於飛機受到的應力極大,導致機上液壓燃料、起落架不能收回,機尾部分被扯破。神奇的是,飛機在翻滾下降中,其速度已經超過其設計最大可操作速度,機長還是奇蹟似的讓飛機在約9000英尺處拉平並平安降落聖弗朗西斯科(San Francisco)。
2007年8月20日,華航CI120班機,機型波音737-800,上午8點15分從桃園國際機場出發,於9點半抵達日本沖繩那霸空港,降落後於停機坪等待接駁巴士時油箱漏油導致起火,並在約起火兩分鐘後爆炸。飛機起火後冒出大量濃煙,機身嚴重焚燬並斷成多截,消防員利用化學泡沫將火撲滅。日本國土交通省與華航皆表示165名乘客包括機組人員全無生命危險,僅有2名機員及1名乘客受傷送院。事件導致美國聯邦航空局(Federal Aviation Administration, FAA)罕見發出緊急指令要求全球航空公司緊急檢查同型號新一代737客機的止檔螺帽部份,有否相同問題發生。之後的飛安報告指出「事故起因於波音的設計瑕疵」,而非航空公司人為疏失導致。

台北 - 桃園國際機場(Taoyuan International Airport;IATA代碼:TPE)
台中縣 - 清泉崗機場(Taichung Airport;IATA代碼:RMQ)
高雄 - 高雄國際機場(Kaohsiung International Airport;IATA代碼:KHH)
北京 - 首都國際機場(Beijing Capital International Airport, IATA: PEK)
遼寧省沈陽 - 桃仙國際機場(Shenyang Taoxian International Airport, IATA: SHE)
河南省鄭州 - 新鄭國際機場(Zhengzhou Xinzheng International Airport, IATA: CGO)
陝西省西安 - 咸陽國際機場(Xi'an Xianyang International Airport, IATA: XIY)
江蘇省南京 - 祿口國際機場(Nanjing Lukou International Airport, IATA: NKG)
上海 - 浦東國際機場(Shanghai Pudong International Airport, IATA: PVG)
浙江省杭州 - 蕭山國際機場(Hangzhou Xiaoshan International Airport, IATA: HGH)
浙江省寧波 - 櫟社國際機場(Ningbo Lishe International Airport, IATA: NGB)
湖南省長沙 - 黃花國際機場(Changsha Huanghua International Airport, IATA: CSX)
四川省成都 - 雙流國際機場(Chengdu Shuangliu International Airport, IATA: CTU)
福建省廈門 - 高崎國際機場(Xiamen Gaoqi International Airport, IATA: XMN)
廣東省廣州 - 白云國際機場(Guangzhou Baiyun International Airport, IATA: CAN)
廣東省深圳 - 寶安國際機場(Shenzhen Bao'an International Airport, IATA: SZX)
香港 - 香港國際機場(Hong Kong International Airport,IATA代碼:HKG)
中華航空 - 中國國際航空 - 維基百科,自由的百科全書
Air China... No! China Airlines
Air China, Limited (simplified Chinese: 中国国际航空公司, literally meaning "China International Airlines", abbreviated 中航)... No! China Airlines, Limited (traditional Chinese: 中華航空公司, commonly abbreviated 華航) is the flag carrier of the Republic of China. The airline is not directly state-owned but is 54% owned by the China National Aviation Holding Company... No! China Aviation Development Foundation (中華航空事業發展基金會) which is owned by the Republic of China. Unlike other state-owned companies in the Republic of China, the chairperson of China Airlines does not report to the Legislative Court.

With a fleet of two PBY Amphibians, China Airlines was established on December 16, 1959, with its shares completely held by the ROC government. It was founded by a retired air force officer and initially concentrated on charter flights.
Incidents and accidents
Since 1970, the airline has averaged 6.44 fatal events per million flights, while the worldwide average is under 2.
August 12, 1970, Flight 206, a NAMC YS-11, struck a ridge while landing at Taipei, killing 14 people. This was China Airlines' first fatal accident.
November 20, 1971, Flight 825, a Caravelle aircraft, blew up after a bomb on it exploded, causing the deaths of 25 people over the Pescadores.
February 19, 1985, China Airlines Flight 006, a Boeing 747SP, performed an uncontrolled descent over the Pacific Ocean resulting in substantial damage to the aircraft.
February 16, 1986, Flight 2265, a Boeing 737, crashed in Makung, Penghu (Pescadores), killing 13.
October 26, 1989, a China Airlines Boeing 737-200 crashed shortly after takeoff from Hualien. All 54 passengers and crew aboard were killed.
December 29, 1991, Flight 358, a Boeing 747 freighter, hit a hillside at Wanli, Taipei County after separation of its No.3 & 4 engines, killing five people.
November 4, 1993, Flight 605, a brand new Boeing 747-400, overran the Hong Kong Kai Tak Airport runway 13 while landing during a typhoon. It had touched down more than 2/3 down the runway and was unable to stop before the end of the runway, finishing up in Hong Kong harbour. All 396 people on board were safely evacuated but the aircraft was written off, the vertical stabilisers were dynamited away due to their interference with Hong Kong Kai Tak's ILS systems.
April 26, 1994, Flight 140, an Airbus A300, crashed while landing at Nagoya, Japan, killing 264 people.
February 16, 1998, Flight 676, an Airbus A300, crashed after a failed missed-approach at Taoyuan International Airport, killing all 196 aboard along with 9 on the ground, including Chief of the Central Bank of Taiwan of the Republic of China Hsu Yuan-Dong.
August 22, 1999, Flight 642, a McDonnell Douglas MD-11, flipped over while landing at Hong Kong International Airport during a typhoon. Three people were killed.
May 25, 2002, Flight 611, a Boeing 747-200B, broke up in mid-air on the way to Hong Kong International Airport from Taoyuan International Airport. All 206 passengers and 19 crew members died. The aircraft was the last 747-200 in China Airlines' fleet.
August 20, 2007, China Airlines Flight 120, a Boeing 737-800 inbound from Taipei caught fire shortly after landing at Naha Airport in Okinawa Prefecture, Japan. After stopping on the tarmac, the engine started smoking and burning, and later exploded causing the aircraft to catch fire. A statement from the airline confirmed that all passengers and crew members were safely evacuated, and a ground engineer knocked off his feet by the blast was unhurt. The cause of the explosion has been attributed to a fuel leak caused by a bolt from the right wing slat puncturing the fuel tank.
China Airlines - Air China - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia